Saturday, April 23, 2011

shop 'til ya drop!

Well, I don't think there is any better phrase to describe the day mom and I have had! PHEW! She pulled up to the curb of my dorm at 1 and we haven't stopped since! We went to the neighborhood Walmart and bought all the yummy ingredients for the casserole. After that we went and dropped off everything and put the milk and eggs and such in the refridge! Then it was time for lunch:

mom's salad

aren't we so cute with
our matching olive green tops?!!
(a total accident btw)

my salad, with yummy spiced apples :)

Mom wanted to go to the mall, so that's just what we did....hehe and what was going to be a quick run in, turned into a good 4 hour spree of shoppin' Hey no complaints! If anyone can shop it's me and my mom! We are bargain hunters to the max! I found 2 new dresses, a good 8 new tops (I love XXI), and 2 new performance worthy heels :) Clearance is my friend! weeeeeeeee
Now, we're off to dinner....and OH YEAH that casserole. Still need to make that ;)


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